What you know? diabetic diet is very important to managing their condition, and in some cases even working towards reversing it. If you're a diabetic then it's wise to cut the amount of fats and carbohydrates you consume.
The diabetic diet can help people who suffer from both major types of diabetes. There is the more common type II, or adult onset diabetes, as well as Type I or juvenile diabetes. Type I diabetics suffer because their bodies don't produce insulin, while Type II diabetics suffer because their cells don't absorb insulin. A diabetic diet addresses both types, but type II can actually be avoided or reversed with the proper diet.
In general the diabetic diet is geared towards attaining ideal body weight for controlling and managing diabetes. There is a simple rule of thumb to establish this ideal body weight. In women add five pounds to 100 for every inch above five feet, and subtract five pounds from 100 for every inch under five feet. For example a woman would ideally weigh 110 pounds. Males begin with 106 pounds at five feet and add 6 pounds for every inch over five feet. So for a 6 foot tall man ideal weight would be 178 pounds.
Although there are many versions of a diabetic diet, they all have a few things in common. A type I diabetic should ideally consume 16 calories per pound of their weight. Therefore a 150 pound person could eat as many as 2400 calories in a day. Type II diabetes requires approximately 1500 to 1800 calories per day for loss, then differing amounts of calories to maintain ideal body weight.
For a diabetic diet carbs are about 50% of daily calories. Some people consume less carbohydrates, but then they tend to eat more fat. But if saturated fats are avoided, a little more fat in the diet is Good.
The diabetic diet can help people who suffer from both major types of diabetes. There is the more common type II, or adult onset diabetes, as well as Type I or juvenile diabetes. Type I diabetics suffer because their bodies don't produce insulin, while Type II diabetics suffer because their cells don't absorb insulin. A diabetic diet addresses both types, but type II can actually be avoided or reversed with the proper diet.
In general the diabetic diet is geared towards attaining ideal body weight for controlling and managing diabetes. There is a simple rule of thumb to establish this ideal body weight. In women add five pounds to 100 for every inch above five feet, and subtract five pounds from 100 for every inch under five feet. For example a woman would ideally weigh 110 pounds. Males begin with 106 pounds at five feet and add 6 pounds for every inch over five feet. So for a 6 foot tall man ideal weight would be 178 pounds.
Although there are many versions of a diabetic diet, they all have a few things in common. A type I diabetic should ideally consume 16 calories per pound of their weight. Therefore a 150 pound person could eat as many as 2400 calories in a day. Type II diabetes requires approximately 1500 to 1800 calories per day for loss, then differing amounts of calories to maintain ideal body weight.
For a diabetic diet carbs are about 50% of daily calories. Some people consume less carbohydrates, but then they tend to eat more fat. But if saturated fats are avoided, a little more fat in the diet is Good.
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